Esprit are exhibiting at Automechanika 6-8 June and so we are offering 10% off all online orders between 2-9 June! Use code SHOW23 at checkout.

Training Courses

Windscreen Repair Training Courses

Esprit considers training to be vital to get the very best results from your kit. Once you’re trained, you’ll have all the best tips and tricks and your repairs will look fantastic every time.

We’ve also partnered with IMI to provide accredited training, so you know that you’re getting excellent, in-depth training when you join one of our sessions.

All windscreen repair training takes place at Esprit’s IMI accredited training centre in Newcastle Under Lyme, but some of our courses can be conducted offsite – costs vary so contact us for a quote. We limit courses to 4 people so that everyone has the maximum time for practice on the equipment. 

We also offer online Virtual Training which can be tailored to your company’s needs. We recommend no more than 10 attendees.

Training Packages:

Course NameCourse DescriptionCourse CostAction
TECHTRAININGEsprit Manufacturer’s Accredited training. This two hour course covers chip repair and performance standards.£250 Bookings and information - click here
IMITRAININGIMI Accredited training. This three hour course covers standards, chip repair and comes with an IMI certificate (additional £100 per person) following a questionnaire (80% pass rate required)£250 Bookings and information - click here
OEMTRAININGFull Esprit Accredited training, covering standards, chip and crack repair. Allow 4.5 hours£400 Bookings and information - click here
VIRTUALTRAININGVirtual refresher session aimed at the already accredited user. Allow 1-2 hours£125 Bookings and information - click here
BTBTRAININGFull training in the use of BTB and all their products. Allow 4.5 hours for this in-depth session £275 Bookings and information - click here

Latest Past Events

TECH Training

Esprit Manufacturer’s Accredited training. This two hour course covers chip repair and performance standards. £200 for 4.


OEM Training

Full Esprit Accredited training, covering standards, chip and crack repair. Allow 4.5 hours. £350 for 4.



Esprit Manufacturer’s Accredited training. This two hour course covers chip repair and performance standards. £200 for 4.


Esprit Professional Windscreen Repair Kits & Training in Staffordshire

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